The study strategies of negative influence

Think about your negativity and take correction of it .The negative study will make you to refrain and structure you mindsetNext what are your mindset ?Are they Static or Dynamic?In strategy studies you must decease from fixed mindset which is STATIC MINDSETIn strategy studies you must endeavor to have Growth mindset which is DYNAMIC MINDSETWishingContinue reading “The study strategies of negative influence”

Reflex of human

Never use any thing as a reflex to others you don’t know the intention or mindset of that person, whether is positive or negative TYPE OF REFLEX 1. Reflex speech2. Reflex Attitude3. Reflex compliment/Greeting WHAT IS REFLEX OF SPEECH Reflex of speech is repeating exactly what an individual says WHAT IS REFLEX OF ATTITUDE ReflexContinue reading “Reflex of human”